More of the same but quite a bit different. Life appears to have gone from fairly orderly to a continuous increase of chaos. My life last year and a day ago was pretty busy with lots of good stuff. There was of course some trying stuff, but generally speaking, life was quite good. Life is still quite good, but there is a lot more difficult stuff to deal with as well. Two years ago I began my daily practice of sitting zazen. A year after that I was hit by that truck. Another year later I am still sitting zazen, but life is quite different in many ways.
A little less than a year ago I began my discovery and adventure in sewing. Since then I have made 5 sets of curtains, 3 mens shirts, 2 purses/bags, 5 pillows, a knitting needle bag, and started quilting. I have so many ideas of things that I want to create, but when I am working I like to go at a pace that is enjoyable.

I finally, recently heard what my teacher has been telling me for quite some time. That it is more important to sit regularly than the quantity of sitting. So with all the added chaos in my life it has forced me to be more flexible with my sitting time. I have become even more regular, as in rarely ever missing a morning or evening sit, but the time of the sit has become more fluid. The other wondrous aspect of my practice that has recently manifested is a weekly group sitting at Zanzilla's, Thursday mornings. For the first couple of months there were some logistics to be worked out, so there were quite a few sits where I was the group. However, more recently others have begun to show up and I am quite grateful.